Indian School: (623) 848-1970
Cave Creek Rd: (602) 888-2277
Southern Ave: (480) 400-2716
Apache Blvd: (480) 894-5584

Auto Repair in Phoenix Can Help You Pass Emissions Testing

In most parts of the country, there are state laws that require vehicles of a certain age to pass an emissions test that is administered by the Department of Transportation. Some states only have emissions testing regulations for larger vehicles such as trucks, but in other states, including Arizona, the law is stricter and it applies to vehicles of all sizes.

In the Phoenix area, all vehicles that were made in or after 1967 have to undergo emissions testing in order to be driven legally. Most vehicles in Phoenix must be tested once every two years, but cars that were made between 1967 and 1980 must undergo annual testing. Any vehicles that have a diesel engine are also required to be tested annually. If you fail an emissions check, also known as a smog test, you will not be able to register your vehicle, which means that you can’t legally drive on the road. For these reasons, seeking auto repair in Phoenix can play a critical role in ensuring the safe, responsible operation of your vehicle.

Tips for passing your smog test

The first thing you should do before taking your car to be smog tested is to look and see if your check engine light has been activated. If you bring your car in to be tested and the check engine light is on, you will automatically fail the inspection. Once you notice that the check engine light has turned on, bring your car in to see a specialist in auto repair in Phoenix who will be able to diagnose the problem. The issue could be virtually anything, from a small leak to an issue with the gas cap.

In addition to making sure that your check engine light is taken care of, you can also check your battery in advance of smog testing to give yourself a better chance of passing. In some cases, a weak battery might cause you to fail your emissions test. Checking your engine oil and making sure that you have quality gas in your tank before the test can also improve your chances of passing.

Long before you have your emissions test, general maintenance and routine service can help keep your engine in better condition, making it more likely that your vehicle will pass emissions testing down the road. Regardless of your service history, a mechanic specializing in auto repair in Phoenix should be able to establish what kind of repairs you will need in order to pass an emissions test.

Find reliable auto repair in Phoenix

Passing your annual or semi-annual smog test is essential if you want to ensure that you can continue to drive legally on the road. Bring your vehicle in to see our team at S & J Auto Repair & Rental and let us take a look to determine whether your car needs any repair work done before it will pass state emission testing. We are a trusted provider of auto repair in Phoenix and we offer services that are specifically designed to help your car pass Arizona emissions testing. And once your vehicle is ready, we can administer the emissions test for you! Stop by our shop or give us a call today and get your vehicle back in great condition.

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Indian School Location:
(623) 848-1970
Scottsdale Location:
(480) 590-4397
32nd Location:
(602) 935-3551
Glendale Location:
(602) 888-2277
Cave Creek Rd Location:
(602) 888-2277
7th Street Location:
(480) 686-8125