Sometimes, it just isn’t feasible to walk, bike or use public transportation to get around when you are away from your car. When you’re out of town on vacation, you have relatives visiting from out of state or your car is in the shop getting some repair work done, having the option to rent a car makes things a whole lot easier when it comes to transportation. There are lots of different occasions when it can be a great idea to rent a car, and by following these tips, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your rental:
- During repairs: While your car is being repaired by a mechanic in Phoenix, renting a car is an excellent option. Rather than sitting around in the waiting area for the mechanic to finish up repairs or maintenance, you can simply drop your car off and then get on with your day. This is an especially good option if your vehicle’s repairs will take days or even weeks to complete. Without a rental, you would be left to arrange rides from friends or attempt to navigate public transportation, which can significantly lengthen your daily commute.
- When you’re on a trip: Seeing a new city is so much easier when you have a reliable mode of transportation that runs on your schedule. The same goes for when you have guests coming into town to visit. Rental cars make it easier for your guests to visit you while still having the freedom to explore the area or sightsee on their own.
- During a move: In some cases, you might be able to find a rental car agency that also rents larger trucks or U-Hauls. Having a bigger vehicle for your move can save you the hassle of asking around to find someone to loan you their truck, and it can make your move a lot easier.
- Special occasions: If you have a special event in your future and you don’t want to drive up in your old beater, renting a nicer car is an affordable option. You can select a vehicle that looks great arrive at your special event with confidence.
Getting the most out of your rental
If you only need to drive a couple of passengers and you aren’t using your rental for moving, try to choose a smaller rental. These compact cars tend to be much more fuel-efficient, which means that you can save money on gas. You should also make sure that you are very clear on the terms of your rental so that you can return your car on time and avoid any late fees or extra charges. In addition, make sure that you top off the tank in your rental car before returning it to avoid an extra charge for gas.
Rent from your mechanic in Phoenix!
Whether you’re headed to a special event or you need to accommodate some out-of-town guests, you can find quality car rentals here at S & J Auto Repair & Rental. We offer our customers the convenience of vehicle rentals, including U-Haul vehicles, whether or not they are getting repairs in our shop. Give us a call today to arrange your car rental.