Indian School: (623) 848-1970
Cave Creek Rd: (602) 888-2277
Southern Ave: (480) 400-2716
Apache Blvd: (480) 894-5584

What to Keep in Your Car During the Winter

Driving during the wintertime can be a challenging and occasionally terrifying endeavor. If you are planning to take even a short car trip through areas experiencing wintry conditions, you should plan far in advance, and ensure that you and your car are both effectively prepared for any bad weather that the season may throw at you. You should begin by visiting a mechanic in Phoenix, AZ and ensuring that your car is in tip-top shape. Then, you should start preparing a winter emergency pack that will keep you safe and sound if you experience undesirable driving conditions.

If you happen to end up stranded on the road during inclement weather, there are a number of proactive steps that you can take to ensure that you are able to wait for a rescue party. Here are just a few things that you should consider keeping in your vehicle’s emergency winter supply bag:

  • Blankets: You should keep blankets made either from wool, water-treated down or water-resistant synthetic materials. Avoid cotton blankets at all costs—cotton absorbs water, and can make you even colder if it gets damp.
  • Lots of water: You should have several gallons of clean drinking water stored inside your vehicle at all times. Even in colder conditions, one of the most persistent causes of death is dehydration. Ensure that you have enough water to last you several days.
  • Duct tape: Duct tape is versatile, and can fill a variety of roles, depending on conditions. If you are stranded in your vehicle due to inclement weather, you never know when duct tape may come in handy.
  • Food supplies: Canned food and backpacking meals can make excellent additions to your car’s emergency preparedness bag. If you are bringing canned food, be sure to also include a can opener in your bag.
  • Flares: You should have enough flares to consistently alert rescuers to the location of your vehicle. Be sure to purchase all-weather road flares that burn for extended periods of time.
  • Camp stove: Portable camp stoves that run on small propane cans or alcohol stoves can help you prepare food, melt and purify snow into drinking water and provide you with an additional source of warmth.
  • Cell phone battery charger: Be sure to bring a portable cell phone battery charger, and keep it at full capacity whenever possible. Keeping a full battery on your phone can help you connect with rescue parties.

S & J Auto Repair & Rental is a premier mechanic in Phoenix, AZ. We can assist you with a wide range of automotive services, and we have all of the tools and expertise necessary to ensure that your car is ready for any wintry conditions you may experience.

Whether you’re planning on a trip to the mountains or simply want to be extra prepared, our highly qualified expert technicians are here to provide you with the peace of mind you need to operate your car with confidence! Be sure to consult with our dedicated team members before embarking on this year’s winter journeys.

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Indian School Location:
(623) 848-1970
Scottsdale Location:
(480) 590-4397
32nd Location:
(602) 935-3551
Glendale Location:
(602) 888-2277
Cave Creek Rd Location:
(602) 888-2277
7th Street Location:
(480) 686-8125